terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2016

The Sea witch

"ow, come closer my sweet child, c'mon don't be shy, its been so long since anyone have visit me" - said the creepy creature that once was a woman but black magic have twisted  her for so long that she have became part of the sea spirits- the child, as anyone at his place, was horrified, as the crooked witch keept crawling on his direction each step closer to the light revealing the corals and the sea lices on her disgusting rotten skin making the blood on the boy veins freeze."C'mon my little one let me show you my collection, i like to collect things, you know? i have the biggest collection of skulls of this kingdom, you are going to love it! all of them from the sailors that wrecked around this shores hehe" the witch keept talking trying to get the child closer to her.

Inking brushes and a little bit of photoshop, i was thinking on a creepy character with a strong silouete, see more at http://savedra.deviantart.com/

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