sexta-feira, 28 de abril de 2017

playing with animation

Shotgun Ghoul, 
its friday baby, lets play around 

its so shitty but its so cool to see something you made moving around :D

terça-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2017

North Brother Island new upcoming comic book coming soon

Hello everybody, 
heres some sketches for the upcoming comic book im current working on, North brother Isalnd from Ingram Comics 
i hope you guys enjoy it,
the overall experience of work in a comic book is really fantastic i feel like spending a lot of time working on concepts or ilustrations made me forget a little about how to improve on top of my narrative skills and working on the comic book now i can tell how satisfying it is to build a narrative that talks with the reader and i'm really eager to see it growing so check it out guys 

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2017

2016 review and 2017 goals announced

Hello everybody 
2016 just vanished completly and looking back at it i don't know how did i make it this year surely God had mercy and covered me with His hands so i could survive, but a lot of awesome stuff happened in my life such as i started to see life in a different way, i kinda had a wake up call inside my head as far as giving myself a purpose and taking things more serious, which in my art career leaded me to start focusing on what i truly enjoy  the things that lighted the spark on me to start drawing when i was a kid in the first place.
Life is simple but there is no easy way. when i started my freelance career i thought with myself "well, what is the easiest way for me to get on top?" and indeed i pursuited the easy shortcuts to absorve knowledge but it turns out that i wasn't fulfilled with that it made me thinking like i was cheating with myself as if i was stealing from myself the oportunity to learn and become more, so i kicked the bucket and right now i think with myself what is the hardest way possible? because for instance a plain hill is easy to climb but if you choose to climb a high rocky mountain i might fall sometimes, you might even brake a leg or a arm but when you get to the top you will at least get a lot of knowledge about the climbing steps and you will acomplish something marvelous right?
with that being said 2017 goals
1- i will dive deep into learning traditional medias watercolors, acrylic paint and ink 
2 - i really wanna make new friends at the art community because i realized how depressive can be to work alone all by yourself sometimes
3 - daily studies in general about the fundamentals, human anatomy, expressions, shading, creature design, design forms and structure, perspective, landscapes and enviroments 
I just want to say thanks to God, to my wife for the support, to my family, and to my true friends

bring it on 2017!!! lets fight as hard as possible this year 

sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2016

Die Ubermenschen - concept art developed by me

hey everybody its been awhile, i am currently working on a awesome project which i`m not allowed to show but i have here to show you this bunch of concept art i did for a upcoming comic book that will be released soon, check it out. cheers!

Oi galera desculpa eu ter sumido, basicamente eu estou trabalhando em um projeto muito bacana que eu ainda n'ao estou autorizado a divulgar mas aqui quero lhes mostrar algumas artes conceituais que eu elaborei para uma hq que sera lancada em breve 

terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2016

The Sea witch

"ow, come closer my sweet child, c'mon don't be shy, its been so long since anyone have visit me" - said the creepy creature that once was a woman but black magic have twisted  her for so long that she have became part of the sea spirits- the child, as anyone at his place, was horrified, as the crooked witch keept crawling on his direction each step closer to the light revealing the corals and the sea lices on her disgusting rotten skin making the blood on the boy veins freeze."C'mon my little one let me show you my collection, i like to collect things, you know? i have the biggest collection of skulls of this kingdom, you are going to love it! all of them from the sailors that wrecked around this shores hehe" the witch keept talking trying to get the child closer to her.

Inking brushes and a little bit of photoshop, i was thinking on a creepy character with a strong silouete, see more at